Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter 5 Notes

Question: Curly's Wife knew that he killed that Lennie had killed the little pup buy petting it to hard but decides to let him pet her why would she do that? Why wouldn't she just leave after he told her about the dog?
Prediction: Now that curly has a reason to torture Lennie and its a rather big reason he is going to either kill or torture Lennie for as long as he lives.
Summary: Lennie  to face with Curly's Wife and he try's to push her away but she is trying to get with him and he doesn't know how to get her to leave so he goes with the conversation and she decided to let him touch her hair since he liked soft things and she needed a way to get him to like her so she let him pet her but in less than a minute she began to struggle and Lennies anger began to build up and he snapped her neck because he wouldn't let go. Now curly knows and he will not stop until he know that Lennie is dead or captivated so he can torture him. Lennie doesn't seem to have very much time left in this story unless there is a lucky change of events.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Portrait of Rasicm

Crooks the one and only black stable hand on the farm is in his room now making it look nice before bed. When Lennie walks in he is dumbfounded. He is confused because as it says on pg. 68 it says "'Why aint you wanted," says Leneie.' 'Cause i'm black. They play cards in there, but i cant play cause i'm black. They say i stink. Well, I tell you, all of you stink to me." Racism in the 1930's is technically over but in white peoples minds, they still feel it should be there. Another quote on pg. 70 " If i say something, it's just a nigger sayin' it." Crooks is not being heard by the people at the ranch because of the color of his skin. He is also one of the only black people in Soledad. Therefore he is all alone so he must stay where he is and rot. Racism might not be fully around anymore but to the white people of that age it will never end.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Of Mice and Men in a play!!!
Found alittle play for the book thought it was cool hope you guys see the similarity.

Chapter 2 notes

Prediction: Curly will start some type of trouble with  Lennie due to his Napoleon complex and Lennie will be forced to run away or be severally punished.
Question: Will Lennie do something with Curly's Wife to make him angry enough to do something drastic like  hurting Lennie very bad? If so what will Lennies punishment be?
Summarize: In chapter 2 in Of Mice and Men the guys are getting settled into there new workplace. We meet about five new characters in this chapter of the story. We meet the boss, Slim, Curly, Carlson and .Curly's Wife. George and Lennie don't like it very much but need the cash so they stay. Lennie has a bad feeling about this place though and when he states it on Pg. 33 You know it must be foreshadowing something for a later on point in the story.

Investigating themes in Of Mice and Men

1.)  What different forms of power exist in Of Mice and Men?  What kind of power does Lennie have?  What kind of power does George have?  What kinds of power or powerlessness do other characters possess?  

The Different form of powers are strength wise and intellectual wise mostly in Of Mice and Men. As you can tell Lennie is the strength in the story, he has a mental disability so he depends on George to help him out with the smarts just as George needs Lennie for the muscle. George is powerless when it come to his strength because although he is not exactly so skinny he is not burly and strong as Lennie is, and Lennie lacks in smarts due to his mental disability.

Chapter 1 Notes

Prediction: In the first chapter of the novel mice of men the two main characters Lennie and George seem to be on there way to a job of some sort and i am predicting that they will get there at the beginning of chapter 2.
Connection: On page 4 of chapter 1 it says " Lennie, who had been watching, imitated George exactly."
This moment of the first chapter reminded me of my dog when he watches me get up and walk around the house he follows my every move because in a way i am his leader just as George is to Lennie.
Question: My question on just the first chapter seeing how George feels about Lennie why doesn't George just leave Lennie he makes it seem like he doesn't need him when he talks about him, if so, then why not leave